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Loyalty programmes will increasingly ‘hinge on personalisation’: Eagle Eye’s Sarah Jarvis

Sarah Jarvis is Communications and Propositions Director at Eagle Eye, a software-as-a-service loyalty specialist working with retail, travel, and hospitality brands. Having spent more than a decade and a half working in retail marketing and loyalty, Jarvis has well-formed opinions on what makes a great, and not-so-great, loyalty scheme – and the experience to back […]

Headshot of Stuart Hodge holding a large umbrella

‘Change has never been faster’ in automotive: Poppins’ Stuart Hodge

Stuart Hodge is SVP Automotive at Poppins, a digital creative agency with a focus on the automotive sector. Hodge was previously CEO and Founder at specialist automotive and change management agency Y2Change, which was acquired by Poppins in January. He spoke to Econsultancy about the challenges of working in a sector that “moves faster than […]

empty office chair

The empty chair: Why innovation should centre on customer needs

This article is adapted from a section of Econsultancy’s Innovation Best Practice Guide, written by Steffan Aquarone. The guide presents a set of simple, practical ideas, and Aquarone takes the word ‘innovation’ itself to mean ‘finding ways of doing things differently’. The empty chair is a concept synonymous with Amazon’s customer-focus. Despite their importance to the […]

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Innovation: Four flawed assumptions to avoid

This article is adapted from a section of Econsultancy’s Innovation Best Practice Guide, written by Steffan Aquarone. The guide presents a set of simple, practical ideas, and Aquarone takes the word ‘innovation’ itself to mean ‘finding ways of doing things differently’. Flawed assumptions to avoid when innovating – the premise of this article is pretty self-explanatory, […]

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