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wooden head with questions marks

Innovation: Four flawed assumptions to avoid

This article is adapted from a section of Econsultancy’s Innovation Best Practice Guide, written by Steffan Aquarone. The guide presents a set of simple, practical ideas, and Aquarone takes the word ‘innovation’ itself to mean ‘finding ways of doing things differently’. Flawed assumptions to avoid when innovating – the premise of this article is pretty self-explanatory, […]

What exactly is AI-powered commerce search and what does it mean for retailers?

We’ve seen lots of examples of new intelligent search features or conversational agents in the last six months in online retail – from Walmart, Instacart and Amazon, for example. In a recent article, I tried out some AI-powered product discovery features to see how useful they might be for shoppers. And though they each provided distinctive […]



empty office chair

The empty chair: Why innovation should centre on customer needs

This article is adapted from a section of Econsultancy’s Innovation Best Practice Guide, written by Steffan Aquarone. The guide presents a set of simple, practical ideas, and Aquarone takes the word ‘innovation’ itself to mean ‘finding ways of doing things differently’. The empty chair is a concept synonymous with Amazon’s customer-focus. Despite their importance to the […]

China’s internet report shows growth in bite-size video and live commerce

In March, the China Internet Network Information Centre (or CNNIC) released the 53rd Statistical Report on China’s Internet Development Status: a comprehensive twice-yearly snapshot of digital life in China. Covering everything from device usage to China’s rural internet population, livestreaming growth to online ride-hailing, the report delves into the major trends shaping China’s internet landscape […]


14 examples of augmented reality brand experiences

Augmented reality has surged in the headlines of late with the release of Apple’s Vision Pro headset and Meta teasing a potential rollout of AR glasses as it marks the 10-year anniversary of its VR/AR outfit, Meta Reality Labs. If augmented reality headsets and eyewear become more commonplace, brands and entertainment companies may take the […]

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