Rob Weatherhead

About Rob Weatherhead

Rob Weatherhead is head of agency at Fast Web Media.


Don’t be fooled, voice is still the future of commerce. Just not yet

12 months ago voice search was the future. Then it wasn’t. Then it was again. Now it appears it’s all hype. I’m struggling to keep up! The latest “voice is over-hyped” claim came in the form of underwhelming stats about the number of commerce-related queries that are being performed on a voice-enabled device. A rather dismal 2% of people who own Amazon Alexa devices have used them to make a voice purchase, according to Amazon’s own data.

Meeting search intent: A model for measuring success

Whether it’s due to the impact of GDPR or a consequence of the move towards a voice-activated Internet, the word on the lips of leading digital marketers right now is intent. 

What’s a user’s intent? How do you identify that intent? How do you match intent with your digital activity and show the user that your business can help?