The financial services industry is one of the industries that has been most impacted by digital disruption, and 2018 saw numerous significant trends and developments.
Here are six that are of the most importance to financial services decision-makers and marketers heading into 2019.
1. Financial institutions are focusing on customer experience, data-driven marketing and personalisation
Given the fierce competition that established financial services companies have faced from upstarts, it's not surprising that marketers in the industry are placing a lot of emphasis on things that will help them win new customers and retain and expand relationships with existing customers – customer experience, data-driven marketing and personalisation.
28% of the nearly 700 senior industry leaders polled by Econsultancy and Adobe as part of Econsultancy's 2018 Digital Trends in Financial Services report indicated that optimisation of customer experience was the "single most exciting opportunity" in 2018 - compared with just 18% of industry leaders in other industries.
A similar dynamic was apparent when it came to the second and third biggest opportunities cited, data-driven marketing and personalisation. 23% of those polled pointed to data-driven marketing as a top priority in 2018, compared to 15% in other industries, and 37% pointed to personalisation, compared to 23% in other industries.