Alasdair Graham

About Alasdair Graham

How chatbots and AI might impact the B2C financial services industry

While many businesses have been speedy adopters of emerging and disruptive technologies, banking and the financial services industry has been seen to lag behind.

This could be chalked up to a myriad of factors including complex legacy systems or even the fact that a significant portion of high value clients, particularly for wealth management firms and IFAs, are more likely to belong to senior demographics and may have a higher propensity for non-digital communication such as calls or face-to-face meetings.

How charities can win at the Zero Moment of Truth

With people aged 18-24 twice as likely as any other age group to research a charity online before making a donation, it’s essential that non-profits pay close attention to their digital presence.

From your site itself through to email marketing, social media strategy and paid search it’s vital to seize every opportunity to make the case for your charity to an audience that’s increasingly looking for reassurance before parting with their cash.