Andreas Pouros

About Andreas Pouros

Digital transformation: What can we learn from Spain’s BBVA bank?

UK banks are at a crossroads.

Consumers are increasingly banking online or on mobile, digital services have grown by more than 200% over the last four years, while in-branch footfall is falling 10% per year.

However, attempts to close under-used branches cause outcry, particularly in rural areas and among older customers.

In this post I’ll explain why banks must invest in customer experience as wide scale branch closures look inevitable.

error 404

The ultimate guide to the error 404 status code and SEO

Every page you visit on the Internet will return something called a status code, a code consisting of three numbers that communicate to the requester the status of their request for a particular page. A 404 means ‘Not Found’: the server you are requesting the page from has acknowledged your request but the page you […]