Andrew Nicholson

About Andrew Nicholson

The (completely subjective) digital psychology top ten countdown

Digital Psychology is a relatively new discipline that combines theory from the worlds of behavioural economics, psychology and digital marketing to create digital communications that are compelling and persuasive to our unconscious minds. 

The great thing about combining social science theory with contemporary digital best practise is that marketers are able to hypothesise and test assumptions on a statistically significant number of subjects (customers) in a relatively short period of time.  

Also, through the medium of A/B and multivariate testing, put the lessons learnt into practise almost immediately.

This means that there should be some excellent proven examples of digital psychology out there on the web, and I’ve taken the opportunity to rank what I think are the top performers.

From small companies, to international giants, all those listed are employing some pretty clever tricks from the digital psychology toolkit.

Is your company one of them? 

Time travel, flapjacks & smoking – a psychological take on social media: part one

Reality is an illusion. Ask 100 people to describe the same event, and each one will tell you a slightly different story based on their perception of what has transpired, much like the metaphorical tale of the blind men describing an elephant.

But if changing reality is as simple as changing perception, where does this lead us? Could reality be altered retrospectively? Can we change the past?

In short. Yes we can, and social media is the key.

“Social media can help us alter the past.” That’s quite a claim, so let me explain myself.

Mind games: using heuristic theory to increase customer spend online

I want you to think long and hard about the time you last made a commercial decision. It could be a big decision, like the time you made an offer on your first house, or it could be a small decision, like last week, when you were deciding what brand of beer to buy at the bar.  

Chances are that whatever decision you made, you weighed up the pro’s and con’s, considered the financial implications, and acted accordingly, safe in the knowledge that you’d made the right, rational choice.

Except… you probably didn’t…