Andy McCartney

About Andy McCartney

B2B marketing’s Holy Grail? Targeted conversations via digital industry networks

If designed and executed correctly, this agile approach to target market engagement could easily be regarded as the Holy Grail of digital marketing.  

Bypass indirect prospecting and establish direct and compelling conversation with B2B prospects and customers via the creation of a Digital Industry Network (D.I.N.). 

A D.I.N. is a peer group of professionals engaged around a compelling topic of interest.

This network is created from scratch, comprises a conversation zone (e.g. LinkedIn Group) and other communication feeds, and is designed to build mindshare and stimulate conversation with a highly targeted audience.  

The result is branding, awareness, thought leadership, reputation, demand generation and lead nurturing.

Why this is an extraordinary time to lead marketing

This five part series is designed for all those marketers around the world who are aspiring to lead a marketing function.  

The objective of this series is to share insights, experiences and ideas for passionate marketers who want to grasp what it takes to be in charge of marketing, especially in these amazingly progressive times where marketing has attained a more strategic role.  

The series could be seen to be oriented towards B2B, but many marketers see the lines with B2C blurring. So grab a coffee, put your feet up and read on.

Content marketing in healthcare. Understanding role and maintaining credibility

Online healthcare portals and communities are critical sources for patients and caregivers who are seeking trusted information related to their condition.

Health related internet use has become one of the top three online activities in the world. In the US alone more than 100m Americans will visit the health related sites such as Web MD, CNN Health,,, eHow Health, and Yahoo! Health.

Let’s drill down a little and focus on one of the top disease communities: diabetes.

With over 370 million sufferers worldwide, diabetes is an incredibly active online community. There are two primary sources of information for diabetes, doctors and the Internet. This opens up a wealth of marketing opportunities for big pharmaceutical companies, who are looking to present their brands, drugs, products and services to type 1 and 2 sufferers, caregivers and healthcare providers.

So the internet plays a significant role in that it enables many stakeholders within the healthcare ecosystem to access, review, interact and contribute content to the community.

Those individuals and organizations wishing to contribute to the healthcare information value chain must consider their role and the categories of content that can credibly be delivered from their position in the ‘ecosystem’. This post explores and presents ideas for your content strategy in the healthcare space.