Chloe Young

About Chloe Young

Making the most of multichannel (with data’s help)

In today’s environment, you can pretty much forget about creating a simplistic, linear customer journey. It’s a lot more complicated than that.

The reason for this is that your prospects are highly active and mobile, operating across a whole variety of different devices, channels, networks and platforms.

Four key content marketing principles

What is the secret to successful content marketing?

Much has been written about the rise and rise of content marketing. Brands across both B2C and B2B sectors have realised that content is both an effective and essential route to reaching and engaging customers.

What does the future hold for Data Management Platforms?

Data Management Platforms (DMPs) are, despite still being on the cutting edge of technology, beginning to move beyond the early adopter stage and are now showing real and serious business benefits.

Oracle/Econsultancy’s report ‘The Role of DMPs in The Era of Data-Driven Advertising’ highlights found that 20% of those surveyed have been using a DMP for four years, however despite this length of time DMPs are ever-evolving and growing ever more sophisticated.

This blog post examines how DMPs have changed and what the future holds for them.