Chris Lee

About Chris Lee

Influencer Marketing: It’s all about the audience

Content marketers new to media relations are under pressure to get influencer marketing right first time.

As a flurry of ‘best practice’ posts hit the web, one thing seems to missing: how to actually build relationships with – and pitch to – influencers.

Evaluating change: How data must lead decision making

We need to measure what matters and steer clear of the things that don’t, so we all need a little bit of Mr Spock in us when it comes to digital marketing.

I have been talking a lot recently about measurement and evaluation, and there are three things that I ask delegates to take away with them:

Social media monetisation is a major concern among Asian marketers: new report

For the second year running, Econsultancy has published a freely available trends briefing about digital trends in South-East Asia, based on the Digital Cream Singapore event for senior client-side digital marketers held in November last year.

Digital Cream Singapore 2013 brought together more than 120 B2B and B2C in-house marketers from around the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) region and beyond to discuss best practice and common challenges in digital marketing, and learn from each other.

Delegates discussed a wide range of topics, ranging from managing and making sense of audience and customer data, increasing personalisation and loyalty, to using video marketing and cross-channel marketing.

Marketing automation: challenges and barriers for APAC marketers

Marketing automation is of growing interest to APAC marketers, but what hurdles do they face and how can they overcome them?

A fifth (21%) of APAC-based marketers reported earlier this year that they planned to increase their investment in marketing automation technology over the next 12 months.

To address this growing area of focus for the region’s marketers, Econsultancy teamed up with emarsys to produce the Marketing Automation in Asia Pacific Best Practice Guide.

Tapping into the minds of your audience: The psychology of social media

Many digital marketers make a common error from the outset when planning their content marketing campaigns.

The tendency is to think “what shall we give our audience?” when it is just as important to ask “why should they care?”

I am fascinated by the whole psychology of social media: What motivates people to take certain actions, such as overshare the minutiae of their life, or angrily “out” brands on social networks rather than complain directly to them in private, or retweet unproven allegations (and therefore get sued), and so forth?