Craig Le Grice

About Craig Le Grice

Eight ways to drive extra revenue online

There are many complex ways of increasing your online store’s performance. From analytics to data segmentation, once you’ve mastered the infrastructure of selling online, reaching new customers and selling more can become much easier.

But there are simple tricks to achieve bursts and spurts too…

The Facebook mortgage. Could social data be used for credit scores?

I’m about to move house. Which, as is usual, has involved a painful bank transfer and a lot of paperwork.

One of the steps of self-imposed due diligence I did was to check my credit file. Everything was fine, I had a credit score in the region I expected / hoped and that was the end of it. Contracts done. Property secured.

It got me thinking, though. That one little number is very powerful but, given today’s focus on big data, actually very simplistic in its nature.

For something that can dictate major elements of your life (such as helping the bank decide whether or not you are ‘fit’ to buy a home), the process by which the three main credit reference agencies (Equifax, Experian and Callcredit in the UK) apply a sweeping judgement feels flawed.

I wondered if, instead, social data could provide a more accurate picture of people.

Seven things customers demand online

Improving your online store requires many things, but nothing is more important than understanding why people buy.

Online retail psychology, while different from the psychology of instore shopping, is an age old subject with people at the heart. 

Recent research from MIT, Facebook, Google and Target has analysed the core reasons people shun instore and buy with a click.

The seven most popular reasons for conversion are…