Daniel Guest

About Daniel Guest

The undead customer: reviving the ghosts & zombies on your website

Is your website haunted by strange apparitions? You may not know it, but right now you have an army of ghosts, zombies and vampires creeping across your website.

In this blog we reveal their true identities and how to harness their strange powers.

Like a scientific data-driven ghost-buster, if you will.

Real time customer data: ready to eat?

In our first post ‘real time customer intelligence, right here, right now?’ we raised the idea that some savvy marketers have been getting the right message to the right person at the right time for years – we call them ‘Shopkeepers’. 

But the ‘recent’ explosion of marketing channels has brought about some fairly complex challenges that even our friendly shopkeeper would struggle with.

So how in today’s connected world can we serve and delight thousands of smart customers on different channels and different devices all at the same time?

Real time customer intelligence, right here, right now?

For decades the mantra of getting the right message, to the right person, at the right time has echoed down the halls of marketing agencies and clients alike. Are we now closer than ever to turning this honourable goal into a reality?

In this series of four posts, we explore the reality behind real time customer intelligence and what it actually means for businesses struggling to keep up with today’s ‘Smart Customers’.