Danilo Labovic

About Danilo Labovic

Don’t be a mobile privacy creep. Eight top tips for marketers

Are you being a creep? If you’re a digital marketer working with mobile then unless you’ve got your privacy plans sussed there’s a good chance that your customers will think you are. 

As awareness of location data use increases (alongside the revelation that data might not be as anonymous as previously thought), consumers are becoming more and more wary about being tracked over their phones and other mobile devices. They also want to be reassured that any personal and financial data they input will be kept safely and securely.

Research earlier this year found that 66% of smartphone users are more concerned about their privacy on their phones than they were a year ago, while 79% avoid using apps that they don’t believe protect their privacy online. 

Regulators are also taking a stand on mobile creeps. The European Union’s privacy watchdogs have warned that users “must be in control of their own personal data” and those involved in developing mobile apps have a responsibility “to create a safe, secure and data-protection-compliant app environment”.

Certain data protection bodies, who are authorised by their national laws to take action, can even impose fines on organisations that they believe are not fulfilling their mobile privacy responsibilities.

Faced with this consumer and regulatory climate, how can you avoid being a mobile privacy creep?