Danny Ashton

About Danny Ashton

Infographics: why format is irrelevant and concept is imperative

Just before Thanksgiving, Rand Fishkin blasted infographics on his ‘Whiteboard Friday’He did make some really good points in his video, but I believe his reasoning is flawed. 

The discussion revolved around format choice as the defining factor of success, an opinion which pops up time and time again and that I wholeheartedly disagree with.

In my experience, if you let format rule your content, you may miss out on some major opportunities. Here’s why.

How many links does $1,318.72 get you using Zemanta?

One of my favourite talks from SearchLove London 2013 was Hannah Smith’s ‘23, 787 Ways To Build Links in 30 Minutes’.

Among Hannah’s tips for sustainable link building, she mentioned a neat tool that helped her pick up 257 links at around $14 per link.

This tool was Zemanta, a seemingly fantastic way of providing scalable outreach.

Four long term benefits of creating awesome content: case study

As a supplier of infographics, I’m regularly asked by potential clients how a certain piece of content is worth thousands of pounds. 

Great content allows you to use a small amount of outreach time to get a relatively large number of placements, links and exposure. But it is also a great long term asset (over the year), as it has the ability to provide long term audience support for your site.

I want to use the example of a client’s infographic which we ended up hosting on our site, so I can show with examples, how much of a long term benefit great content has.

Five irresistible tips you can learn from 1940s content marketing

Last week, I sat down to find a battered, browning booklet perched at the end of my desk.

Slightly confused, Sean (our content guy) explained to me what it was doing there.

“It’s an example of content marketing” he said. “I found it at a car boot at the weekend”.

Fair enough, but this doesn’t look like the type of content we all know. First off, it’s physical. I can hold it! Smell it! Feel it!

It got me thinking, what were they doing in the 1940s that we can take with us today?

Which infographic is right for you?

That’s right, there’s more to infographics than a scrolling image full of facts and figures. Different types of infographics are consumed differently.

The right kind of infographic should match your data to your narrative and ensure that people take away your message after reading it.

While infographics may not come in that many shapes or sizes (600 x 1,800 pixels is the norm), that doesn’t mean there’s a stock standard infographic for you.  

Use the flowchart below to help you decide which infographic is right for you

SEOs: why no love for the infographic?

This is an open letter to the SEO community.

This post has been on my mind for quite some time but after visiting ThinkVisibility on Saturday I felt it was ready to be written today.  

Obviously as the owner of an infographic agency I have a vested interest in the debate, but hopefully my arguments will still hold up despite any bias I may have. 

At ThinkVisibility I twice encountered what appears to be a growing sentiment amongst some in the SEO community: that infographics are just the latest fad in SEO linkbuilding and one that any PR/SEO worth his or her salt should avoid.