Darren Goldie

About Darren Goldie

Tracking user behaviour and the world of cookies

In this post, I’ll be discussing cookies and the different options for tracking user behaviour and actions.

I will start with a summary of the humble cookie, its origin and then explore some of the different tracking types that it allows.

I’ll then look at the next generation consumer and cross device tracking opportunities to see how we could operate in a cookie free world. 

Looking at the pros and cons of tag tracking

Firstly, thanks for all the great comments and emails I received following the first instalment of this article.

A lot of people commented on the many overlaps between the themes and particularly around the tagging requirements.

Tagging is a great area to explore, so I thought I would take this and a few of the other themes that were proffered before looking at areas to postpone focus, in the next instalment.

If you would like to see these prioritised further or which companies are differentiating themselves in this space, please let me know or add in the comments field below.

New Year marketing resolutions you shouldn’t break in 2014

It’s February and already, according to a number of statistical sources, around a quarter of us have failed to uphold our New Year’s resolutions.

Interestingly, 39% of people in their twenties achieve their resolution each year compared to only 14% of people over 50. That’s interesting given the prevailing attitudes towards younger generations.

In the same vein, marketers are mapping out the conversations they want to have this year to stay ahead of the curve. Given the influx of ‘2014 Trends’ in January, I thought it would be a useful point to review the best and highlight a few that might follow New Year’s resolutions.

The future of programmatic media (part four)

I spoke at an event last week looking at the role of programmatic in VOD and its suitability for building brands in a digital environment.

There were a number of people speaking about creating more brand based measurement, data consolidation, using client site and CRM data and the rise of programmatic as a fundamental future facing model for all media buying.

While I agree that programmatic is best viewed as opportunity trading and currently somewhat disconnected from the planning and brand strategy teams, I was struck by the lack of discussion about the role of attribution technology in aligning the true value of programmatic media with an agreed end conversion point.

Four years on: the growing pains of programmatic media

My recent blogs on content and data have led to subsequent conversations about the role of content within RTB (real time bidding). In particular, how the recent announcements from Google, concerning programmatically served content, will play out over the next 18 months.

It’s important when dazzled with new announcements from tech megabrands in particular to get perspective. To help set the context, here’s a recap of my experience of the rise of programmatic media. 

10 questions you should ask when choosing a mobile DSP

Agencies and advertisers looking to buy mobile inventory are rapidly shifting away from ‘blind’ networks towards programmatic buys via Mobile DSPs demand-side platforms.

These include the  fragmented nature of the mobile ecosystem compared to desktop, and people moving between app and web on their phone means that they can be treated as two separate individual.

So, what questions should you ask of the shiny suited salesman when they come knocking on the door offering use of their DSP?  

Simplifying content marketing confusion

Content Marketing is the new buzzword. And as with buzzwords, every agency is trying to capture a slice of the action – but this means they all have their own definitions. Which leads to confusion.

Naturally SEOs were the first to jump on Content Marketing as content and links are so intrinsically linked to success, but there’s a lot more to it than SEO.

So to try and ease this confusion I spoke to our resident SEO specialist, David Freeman and we came up with this advice.