David Skerrett

About David Skerrett

Five key trends and takeouts from Google I/O 2014

This year’s Google I/O conference, held weeks after Apple’s WWDC, showed the world that Google really is taking over every aspect of our lives, and challenging its fiercest rivals.

As Android users have increased from 530m last year to more than 1bn this year, Google announced its ‘biggest ever overhaul’ with a completely new set of Android products. 

Read on for my top five developments (plus a dose of healthy rivalry)…

Eight inspirational examples of mobile innovation from Asia

If you are looking solely at Western countries for new mobile innovations, you are looking in the wrong place.

Asia is where to look for new and interesting insights into our mobile future.

China and India, in particular, with their large populations and geographies are seeing new mobile innovations take off. We can learn a lot from Asia, which is the largest mobile market in the world.

Here are just a few examples…

The home of the future, today. How smart is that?

Qualcomm has been busy diversifying beyond chips and they now have an impressive range of software and even a smart watch.

Its smart home demo was one of my Mobile World Congress highlights and shows how technology will make our lives even easier in the coming years.

Mobile marketing lessons from the Nest Labs success story

Nest Labs meteoric rise to $3.2bn acquisition by Google in three years has been powered by three principles you can apply to your mobile marketing.

Nest Labs is a Silicon Valley based disruptor dedicated to ‘transforming people’s lives’ with connected devices for the home that are both rational and emotional.

Founded by Tony Faddell, ex-Apple iPod lead inventor, Nest has been acquired by Google for $3.2bn. It has launched two products to date: the Next Learning thermostat and Nest Protect smoke alarm.

The smoke detector has to be one of the most ugly, unloved, annoying (but important) household devices we have around us. And Nest reinvented it…

The Nest Protect is a smart smoke detector and the principles of its design, user interface and concept speaks to three key best practices in Mobile development.

It’s a case study in considered care and empathy. They’ve produced a wonderful, differentiated product in a commoditized market that justifies its price premium.