Doug Conely

About Doug Conely

Engagement is a better route to campaign accuracy than big data alone

It still surprises me that audience engagement remains overlooked as a key metric for campaign success, because focusing on engagement helps align all players in the market and satisfies both marketer goals and consumer needs.

Why is that? Well, for advertisers, having pricing options that are tied to consumer engagement rather than impressions ensures that we’re only paying for ads that are seen and engaged with.

GRPs vs. time spent: the great Atlantic divide

At a recent IAB UK video event I asked the audience whether it was more important to plan online video campaigns to optimise Gross Rating Points or to get consumers to spend more time with the brand. 

What was the answer and why would it be different in the US?

Over 80% said time, or attention, was more important, yet at a US equivalent I’d expect exactly the reverse. So, who’s right?

Viewable impressions: sense prevails in trading on ‘viewability’ in online display advertising

Late last year, the Media Rating Council (MRC) said it would be premature for online advertising to transact on ‘viewable impressions’.

The findings of our own research show why we couldn’t agree more.

‘Viewability’ was a hot topic in online display in 2012 and that looks set to continue this year. Ad Age put out an article a couple of weeks ago about viewability with the subtitle “lots of debate, little action”.

But, while viewable impressions as a measurement metric make sense in theory, the practical application is complicated and potentially dangerous to the short-term health of the industry for both sellers and buyers.