Duncan Heath

About Duncan Heath

Split testing vs personalisation: fighting for the conversion crown

There is a fight brewing in the conversion rate optimisation (CRO) world. There are two main camps and there’s a whole lot of money at stake.

In the blue corner, we have split testing (AKA a/b or multivariate testing). Split testing has been continually growing in notoriety in digital marketing.

It has firmly proven itself to be highly effective at improving conversion rates and increasing average order values, driving often staggering increases in website revenue.

In the red corner, we have something of a newcomer: website personalisation. This is certainly a buzzword right now and, for the most part, deserves the hype it’s attracting.  Companies that are getting personalisation right are offering superior web experiences to visitors and boosting conversion rates.

Great news, you might think: two practices that can deliver impressive and long-lasting conversion increases for your website. So, which do you put your money on?