Ian Harris

About Ian Harris

SEO is more than just organic traffic: Are you taking all the credit you deserve?

Search marketing evolves on a daily basis.

The constant introduction of new and innovative processes means that strategies can shift frequently as SEOs and marketers try to work out the best way to deal with new online environments.

From Google updates to advances in technology, the methods we use to measure the success of an SEO campaign, however, may not always be giving us the full picture.

Seven on-page SEO tips for Baidu

Baidu is often referred to as the Chinese Google, and while its respective dominance in its market is similar to Google’s, this can lead to the misconception that the two search engines differ only in name and region.

This is of course not the case. Baidu is a completely different search engine to Google, with different values and ranking factors.

Read on to find out my seven on-page tips for Baidu SEO, or for more information on this topic download Econsultancy’s Baidu Search Best Practice Guide.

10 questions to ask your prospective real-time bidding agency

Real-time bidding (RTB) provides a great opportunity for companies to vastly increase their online presence to an interested audience.

However, as this market continues to grow, the options available to brands for management of their RTB increase and choosing the right agency for your company’s needs becomes harder.

One of the main problems faced with anyone researching their options for RTB management is that they have to navigate a minefield of display ecosystems, agencies, DSPs, trading desks etc.

However, in choosing an RTB agency to build and manage successful campaigns the most important first questions to ask are not always the most technical.

Having been involved with a number of RTB pitches and working with our clients we have found they have gained the most from asking questions such as those outlined below:

Russia: a land of ecommerce opportunities

The UK is home to some of the best ecommerce businesses in the world and the nation’s online sales rank fourth globally

More and more British online retailers are using their ecommerce expertise to expand into international markets. France and Germany are two of the most popular expansion destinations. One nation that has often been overlooked though is Russia.