Justin Rees

About Justin Rees

Why call tracking is vital for accurate attribution modelling

So you’ve deliberated, cogitated and digested to the point that your performance marketing strategy is like a finely oiled machine.

Spend goes in at the top and leads and sales come out at the bottom.

You can plan your marketing budgets down to the nearest penny and just open your laptop to watch a series of real-time graphs and charts that keep going upwards and to the right as the month progresses, just like they did last month.

Twitter’s good intentions: generating ROI from social media

While there are already many companies doing great things with social media around customer service and analytics, the elephant in the room is still whether social can generate material ROI in the form of leads and sales.

As the recent Econsultancy Modern Marketing Manifesto makes clear, ‘social’ is not a choice, it’s a fundamental part of doing business in the 21st century.

It seems that Twitter at least is pretty certain that social can become a true performance channel and that it can start to eat away at the ‘bottom of the funnel’ budget that mostly finds its way to Google.