Luke Gaydon

About Luke Gaydon

Boosting video discoverability, Google-style

Google has, for years, made no secret of its enthusiasm for blended search results, and for video in particular. But its repeated message is that organisations must focus first and foremost on audience.

The name of the game in video marketing best practices should be delivering first-rate video experiences to real people, rather than focusing on quick tricks to boost discoverability.

Social video: you don’t have to ‘go viral’ to make an impact

When it comes to talking social video, the buzzword on most people’s lips is usually ‘viral.’ But viral and social video are two different breeds and naturally, so are viral and social marketing.

While a viral approach is about making a quick hit with content designed to become hugely popular over a short period, social video is about building an audience and establishing trust with that audience via word-of-mouth recommendations.

Building your brand with content marketing

Today’s changing digital landscape is forcing organisations to re-evaluate their media strategy as the lines between paid, earned, and owned media become blurred.

It’s crucial for marketers to find more cost-effective and coherent means of engaging with consumers, and that’s why content marketing has quickly become a key part of any organisation’s marketing mix, today used by nine out of ten marketers.