Matt Wilkinson

About Matt Wilkinson

The real reason your marketing costs are increasing

If you ask anyone in the industry what the biggest trends and challenges of the last 12 months have been you will receive a range of answers.

Chances are the answer will involve ‘not provided’ and content marketing if you are speaking to someone working in the SEO field.

If you are talking to someone with a PPC focus they will probably cite PLAs or rising CPCs.

If it’s a social guy you’re chatting to he will tell you how his channel is finally starting to deliver an ROI.

They will probably all talk about the phenomenal growth in mobile and tablet usage.

What there seems to be very little discussion about right now though is the marked increase in the amount of times potential customers visit your site before committing to a purchase.

This is partly influenced by the changes in device usage but is also symptomatic of changes in user behaviour – price comparison, voucher usage, and the convergence of offline and online worlds all contribute to this trend.

The challenge it creates is how to limit the amount of times we are paying to bring these same users back to the site, and how to pay as little as possible each time.

It’s a challenge which affects everyone working in digital and will hopefully drive more unified strategies, and make us all work closer together.