Robert Durkin

About Robert Durkin

Does eBay really hate paid search?

Is eBay’s latest report on paid search really a blow to search engine marketing? Or are we throwing the baby out with the bathwater?

Following the release of the final results of an ongoing study, there have been headlines proclaiming that “eBay warns that search ads have ‘no measurable benefit’”.

So, either eBay is making an outrageous claim that paid search ads don’t work. Or, the headlines are slightly misleading.

Having now read the paper by eBay, it would appear that both may be true.

The importance of data personalisation and localisation

Last year Econsultancy published an article claiming that some businesses doubt the value of personalisation.

Although 94% of companies agree that personalisation ‘is critical to current and future success’ less than half of companies are personalising their website experience.

This isn’t because they think personalisation is unimportant, but because they don’t actually know how to make the most of it.

However, even the smallest of companies can target their consumers directly using personalised content.

The importance of high quality product data

If advertisers want to be truly multichannel then they need to have access to, and control of, their product data.

By extracting product data from several different sources, you can fulfil any required channel marketing application. 

Data can be extracted directly from your ecommerce site, existing data feeds or an API, and can then be distributed into hundreds of different online channels, increasing the visibility of your products in front of online consumers.

However, it all hinges on having high-quality product data that is comprehensive, accurate and consumable. 

Has referral marketing come of age?

Back in October we spoke with Nokia at the Festival of Marketing. The topic up for discussion was referral sales marketing and how it gives brands a new way of taking part in eccommerce without selling direct to consumers.

In this article I put forward the case for referral sales and why it could take over from brand ecommerce.

Making the most of affiliate marketing this Christmas

We all know that Christmas is a huge season for retailers, but it’s also a big deal for affiliate marketers.

Bloggers everywhere are starting to reveal their site content for the holiday season: what we should wear, what we could cook and what we must buy our children.

For content affiliate sites, seasonal content is perfect for advertising Christmas gifts and related products. According to stats from Experian Hitwise, online shopping over Christmas 2012 was the busiest ever, with almost 200m visits on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day alone.

This is only going to increase as we move towards December.

How etailers can make the most of comparison sites this Christmas

Winter is here and the Christmas decorations are out in full force.

According to the BRC-KPMG Retail Sales Monitor, online sales over Christmas 2012 were up by almost 20% compared to the year before as almost 60% of people did most of their Christmas shopping online.

Now that consumers are increasingly using smartphones and tablets to shop, we will no doubt see an even greater surge in online Christmas shopping in 2013.

Six ways to improve online marketplace listings

Christmas is coming and the geese are getting fat. OK, so it’s still relatively warm outside, but as we move into autumn, it’s time to start thinking about the holiday season.

Christmas is still the biggest shopping season for retailers and getting the holiday marketing campaigns, pricing and online strategy just right takes time.

Plus, once the sales hit it’s crucial to be able to shift any surplus seasonal goods.

How to make website scraping easy

September is here again and the kids are back to school.

We thought we’d also go ‘back to basics’ and explain how retailers can simplify their data extraction process.

Web scraping is a way of extracting data from websites. Rich data extraction ensures that the most comprehensive product information is extracted from the retailer’s ecommerce site.

This ensures that the data remains accurate and up-to-date and leaves less room for error.

So your customers are showrooming? Big deal

Ever been in a shop looking at the most recent iPhone or the newest DVD release and wondered if it’s cheaper somewhere else?

I recently discussed showrooming on a panel session at IMRG Connect and more than half of the audience admitted that they’d done it.