In one sentence, what is Kickdynamic?

Kickdynamic is the only UK based technology enabling live content in email; email content that updates in the inbox after it has been sent depending on the device, location, timing and behaviour.

What problem(s) does Kickdynamic solve?

Kickdynamic finally offers email marketers the ability to stop sending email that is stale and flat. Traditionally, email is sent with identical content to all recipients and looks the same regardless of where, when and on what device the email is read.

With Kickdynamic email changes, streams, and updates in the inbox. Our live email technology enables email to be timely and relevant for every recipient in all situations, every time they open email.  This serves to maximise engagement and boost revenue per email (RPE).

For example:  an electronics retailer can display relevant accessories depending on whether an email is viewed on a Mac, Windows laptop or iPhone.

What are your immediate goals?

Our immediate goal is to work with partners, email service providers and brands to supply marketers with our live email technology. We plan to scale with partners in the UK and US, with sales and strategic consultants working to roll out all of our product ideas (of which there are a lot!) and customise live content projects.

What were the biggest challenges involved in building Kickdynamic?

The biggest challenge was ensuring the technology to serve live content images was scalable and that we could handle 100ms of impressions quickly.

It has also been a challenge to demonstrate our technological ability; to achieve this we have built a demo email example that is available here:

How will the company make money?

Kickdynamic operates on a SAAS model with a monthly fee to use the technology and products. There are also additional account management and custom project costs.

In addition, as thought leaders with 10+ years experience in the email space, we have a lot of knowledge to share. As a result we also provide email strategy services where we can brainstorm live content ideas and use cases with our customers.

Who is in your team?

As well as myself, our core team includes co-founders Gabri Corti and Ricky Saccomandi. We are marketers, engineers and email geeks.

We expect the size of our team to grow dramatically before the end of the year.

Where would you like to be in one, three and five years’ time?

We would like to help email marketers to continue sending great email marketing messages and aspire to have our live content technology in everybody’s inbox.

Our goal is to be the number one live content technology provider. Due to the uniqueness of our product, there is no other UK provider and only one other US-based company with live email technology.

Other than Kickdynamic, what are your favourite websites / apps / tools?

We love tools that help us work quickly and efficiently, sharing ideas amongst the team. Dropbox is amazing, allowing the storing and sharing of files and the ability to work on documents from multiple devices without any hassle.

I’m also a big fan of Buffer and we use it to share great content and manage our social media.