Brains, Biases and Buying: Leveraging Behavioural Science in your Relationship with the Customer

The vast majority of human behaviour is not fully conscious. Understanding how the brain works, how it processes information and makes decisions will help you deliver better, more effective experiences and communications.

This 60-minute example-rich session will examine how behavioural science
can be used across the customer journey. It will cover:

  • What is meant by behavioural science and how it can be applied within
    your business.
  • How brain-friendly strategies can enhance both customer engagement, loyalty and the power of brand messaging.
  • The psychology of pricing and how to leverage behavioural science to drive sales.
  • Tips on using behavioural science to improve productivity and effectiveness.

This session is designed to complement last year’s Getting to Grips with Behavioural Science topic but also works as a standalone presentation.


Golden crested crane

Content Strategy Best Practice Guide

A guide providing marketers with the practical guidance they need in all aspects of content strategy, covering the fundamentals of good content strategy, how to develop detailed personas, the importance of linking content strategy back to business strategy and the future of trends in content strategy.