So with this in mind, I’ve rounded up five good and bad examples of Vines shared by various brands. Admittedly not all the examples I’ve highlighted as being good are absolutely perfect, but I’ve explained my reasons for including them.
The clips in this post are shown as Gifs, but you can click on them to link to the original Vine…
Urban Outfitters
This Vine is great as it shows two cute dogs, and the only two absolute truths in marketing are that sex sells and people love to share content about animals.
Secondly it just has just two different clips in it, so it’s not painful on the eyes.
One minor problem is that they should have mounted the camera on something as it’s a tiny bit shaky, but really that’s being fussy.
This is possibly my favourite example. The clip contains a single idea, but it’s incredibly creative and fun to watch.
Doritos is also one of the few brands that have made use of the fact that Vine records sound as well as video.
Finally, this clip ties into a competition so it serves a purpose beyond simply testing out Vine to see what it can do.
While far from being a perfect example, I like the way Next has used stop motion to show off the products featured in its new ad campaign.
There are a few problems with the consistency of the lighting and the ripple effect at the end is too ambitious, but with a few tweaks it could have been great.
General Electric
General Electric has a brilliant social strategy, which you perhaps wouldn’t expect from a utilities company, and is a prolific user of Vine.
This clip is a bit of fun to celebrate Pi Day – it’s an endless pie. Awesome.
Simple but effective, this Vine uses stop motion to show a lime rolling up to a bottle of Bacardi.
It’s a simple idea but it’s executed extremely well, which is exactly what Vine should be for.
And five bad examples…
A Vine of Nascar teams gearing up for the big race, you say? That sounds interest…. Argh! My eyes!
Channel 4 Racing
A clip of the horses parading around before a race or six seconds of them in the blocks before sprinting off into the distance might work.
But trying to cram an entire race into one Vine is a bit too much, and I don’t feel this clip work very well.
General Electric
When you’re using Vine as often as General Electric does it’s sadly inevitable that you’ll eventually come up with a stinker.
This Vine was posted on National Inventors Day to thank everyone who invented the Harlem Shake.
To be fair the footage isn’t too bad, but for it to be a real Harlem Shake it obviously needs the music as well. But listening to this Vine with the sound on is a major disappointment…
I really like the idea behind this ad for the new Wolverine movie, as well as the fact that they’ve synced six seconds of music over the top.
But in my opinion they’ve tried to include too many clips, so in the end it’s a bit of a mess and difficult to follow.
It would have been preferable to find two or three interesting moments from the film that whet the viewer’s appetite and encourage them to find out more, rather than just inducing a headache.
American Apparel
American Apparel fell into a common trap with this Vine – too much content, too little time.