Implementation and optimisation

Measuring the Effectiveness of Paid Search Integration

Being able to measure the performance and effectiveness of integrated marketing campaigns that combine paid search with other channels is essential for gaining an understanding of what worked, and what can be improved in future campaigns. This chapter looks at what measures to use and the toolkits, such as Google Analytics, that can help. Measuring […]

9 minute read

Integrating Paid Search with Media Communications

Companies run specific campaigns to generate awareness of new products, services and promotions, and drive sales, among many other reasons. These campaigns often use a mix of media channels, such as press, TV, and out-of-home (OOH) as well as digital display and social activity. Paid search should be integrated with all the other media channels […]

10 minute read

Integrating Paid Search and Display Advertising

This chapter focuses on analysing the benefits and methods for integrating display and paid search advertising. These are two important marketing channels for creating new demand for products and services and subsequently converting that demand into sales and revenue. Traditionally, display advertising has played an essential role in generating new consumer demand (also known as […]

8 minute read

Integrating Paid Search with SEO

Search engine optimisation (SEO) and paid search, or pay-per-click (PPC) marketing are natural partners in search marketing. Both channels have different strengths and weaknesses, and creating an integrated search marketing strategy in which one channel complements and supports the other can bring huge benefits to the business and help achieve business objectives. This chapter looks […]

19 minute read

Video and Audio Advertising for Paid Search

Video advertising can be an effective, eye-catching medium for building brand awareness when done properly. As more video content is consumed online, it makes sense that brands will want to follow suit with rich media video adverts promoting their brands. Unlike text ads in traditional paid search, video ads open up a whole new creative […]

17 minute read

Making the Most of Shopping Ads for Paid Search

As is the case in Search campaigns, there are advanced features advertisers can use to further refine and drive additional efficiency from activity on Shopping. This chapter looks at some of these features in detail. Remarketing lists Using the same technique as remarketing lists for search ads (RLSAs; see Chapter 9 of Econsultancy’s Guide to […]

10 minute read

Implementing Shopping Campaigns for Paid Search

This chapter covers the basics advertisers should implement to ensure Shopping campaigns have the best chance of success, before moving on to discuss Shopping campaign structures, the differing approach to Quality Score in Google Shopping, and relevant reporting metrics. While it focuses on Google Shopping campaigns, Microsoft Shopping boasts similar implementation practices. Shopping campaigns in […]

23 minute read

Getting Started with Shopping Campaigns

Shopping campaigns operate on the same cost-per-click (CPC) model as their Search ad counterparts. The main difference between the ad types is that Shopping ads provide an image and price of each product, making these results highly appealing to consumers. Advertisers are only eligible to run Shopping campaigns if a consumer is able to purchase […]

24 minute read

SEO Testing and Optimisation

What is the optimal design and content for a new landing page? How can a marketer guarantee that it has the best copy for its products to delight visitors and persuade them to convert? Testing is a proven technique for learning how to optimise web content and pages to improve KPI performance. This chapter outlines […]

7 minute read

SEO Analysis

The purpose of analysis is to give context to the data being collected. Analysis requires a mix of skills and disciplines and requires care and attention. It is about compiling all relevant sources of data, interrogating them and piecing together the jigsaw to translate the raw information into genuine insights. This chapter outlines how to […]

13 minute read

SEO Reporting

Reporting is a key part of an SEO practitioner’s workload and an important way to communicate the impact that SEO campaigns are having on the business. This chapter outlines the steps SEOs need to take to create effective reports for different stakeholders. Defining requirements When building reports for the company, bear in mind that these […]

15 minute read

Ecommerce and Non-Ecommerce Tracking

Different companies will have slightly different goals for their websites, depending on the nature of their business. Not all websites provide an online transactional service. For example, while an online retailer will be aiming to secure sales, a B2B will more likely be looking to generate leads. Whether the site will carry out ecommerce tracking […]

10 minute read