If you want to know more about this week’s superstar, you can view his online resume and blog here

As mentioned it’s been a close-run race this week for lots of reasons, with the machinations of @EdwinBongo seeing 1,300 random Indian Twitter accounts suddenly decide that sharing #TheDigitals was a great idea (There wasn’t anything fishy going on was there? ;).

There was a further wave which arrived yesterday and saw @Badams claim the top spot (quite possibly against his will), while we even saw one tweet offering to create cheat codes to get to the top.

Of course, these actions don’t really represent the Digital best practice we’re trying to promote, so we’ve decided to make a few tweaks to the scoring system to encourage Digital Jedi to take part, and Digital Sith Lords to back off… 

First of all, we’ll now be weighting various influence scores, including those of your Re-tweeters, so bots and paid tweets won’t cut it.

Share the best of the best!

Next, we’ll be running content curation sweeps. We want you to share the best of the best. The most interesting campaigns, the most ground-breaking digital ideas in the world – everything that really deserves to win a coveted Digital Award this summer! 

So there will be extra points for sharing the good stuff, but random hashtagging and unrelated content might see you drop down in the rankings.

Getting to the top just got tougher , but we know you’ve got the digital chops and knowledge to show us that you really care about the industry and want to celebrate the best it has to offer. 

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and get tweeting! 

Visit #TheDigitals Leaderboard now. Our leader in week six will be chosen to help judge The Digitals!

Done something amazing in digital that you think really stands out? Entries for the awards are open now. Visit to enter and nominate your own rising industry stars.