
The latest ecommerce best practice, case studies, trends, training and more. From product pages and payments to CRO

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Ecommerce Quarterly: Q2 2024

A guide to the latest trends, developments and statistics in ecommerce, providing a snapshot of what is happening right now. This quarter’s edition includes Amazon’s record-setting Q1 results, a raft of online summer sales and the latest sustainability measures coming into force.

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Ecommerce Quarterly: Q1 2024

A guide to the latest trends, developments and statistics in ecommerce, providing a snapshot of what is happening right now. This quarter’s edition includes the peak season results, AI updates, cross-border retail and the latest strategies for combating the cost of returns.

Measurement in Ecommerce: A Checklist

The role of data has become increasingly central to ecommerce capability, challenging businesses to adapt systems, workflows and practices to capitalise on the opportunity that rich data and understanding can bring. As machine learning becomes ever more integrated into systems, new ways of enhancing customer experience, gaining deep insights and applying personalisation at scale are […]

2 minute read

Testing, Optimisation and Attribution in Ecommerce

Testing should be used throughout the customer journey to optimise against key goals and measures. This chapter provides an overview of the testing process. It includes an experimental framework to allow for continuous optimisation and outlines models for attribution – another important consideration for teams seeking to understand how much each channel contributes to ecommerce […]

5 minute read

Measures Across the Customer Journey

It can be tempting for ecommerce teams to focus on metrics that are immediately identifiable as important, such as conversion rate. Yet it is important that teams recognise the role that each stage in the journey has in contributing towards not only conversion, but overall revenues and profit. This chapter outlines the most important metrics […]

5 minute read

Techniques in Ecommerce Measurement

Measuring performance is clearly critical to driving success in ecommerce. With a plethora of metrics available to measure, teams should focus on the KPIs and metrics that will not only give them a comprehensive view of what is happening in the customer journey, but also enable them to test and learn, and drive performance. This […]

5 minute read

Measurement in Ecommerce: A Summary

Ecommerce is evolving rapidly as businesses look to drive revenue and meet growing consumer expectations. With swiftly changing competitive, technology, market and customer contexts (accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic), businesses need to respond by shaping their ecommerce operations, strategies and models in ways that satisfy contemporary customer needs. Yet they must also ensure their practices […]

2 minute read

Generating Demand in Ecommerce: A Checklist

Ecommerce capability, strategy and execution are ever evolving. As technology continues to develop, new models, channels and possibilities are emerging, providing organisations with more options than ever for reaching, engaging and selling to consumers. This chapter looks at how ecommerce may develop and provides a checklist as a reference for getting started. As software-as-a-service models […]

8 minute read

Driving Traffic in Ecommerce

Having a sound strategy for driving traffic to an ecommerce platform will lead to more conversions, which in turn can generate further investment into the business, helping promote growth. This chapter looks at this ‘flywheel’ mechanism, as well as how to sustain it with different practical strategies. Creating flywheels for growth Jeff Bezos has articulated […]

14 minute read

Evolving Social Commerce

Around 4.6 billion people (more than half of the world’s population) use social media,[1] with consumers spending an average of two and half hours a day on social platforms, according to Hootsuite and GlobalWebIndex.[2] As platforms explore an ever-increasing list of ways to monetise their audiences, social commerce is expanding rapidly. This chapter looks at […]

23 minute read

Third-Party Marketplaces

Marketplaces serve to aggregate products from multiple brands and suppliers, as well as the shoppers that are interested in buying those products. The benefits for both brands and customers typically come from the scale, range and focus that marketplaces can provide. This chapter looks at the two main different types of marketplace, as well as […]

7 minute read

Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Models

The barriers of entry for creating and executing a direct-to-consumer (DTC) proposition have lowered dramatically due to the wider availability of plug-and-play ecommerce platforms and a host of service providers that enable various parts of the DTC value chain, from content optimisation and personalisation through to fulfilment and managing returns. Combined with the ability to […]

6 minute read

Latest articles on ecommerce

Essential reports

Social Commerce Best Practice Guide

As social commerce continues to evolve, it has become an essential part of how many brands do business online. This best practice guide looks at developing a selling strategy across each of the major platforms, including influencer marketing and emerging trends within the space.

Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Best Practice Guide

This report examines the opportunities in DTC for a broad cross-section of businesses, from digital startups to legacy brands. It provides frameworks, models, metrics and case studies that can be used to build an effective DTC strategy.

What is digital shelf analytics?

With even more retailers now battling for space on the ‘digital shelf’ (i.e. the various places that we search, research, and buy products online) – being able to effectively capture the consumer’s attention is key. To increase the chances of this happening, retail brands must stay on top of multiple factors, such as ensuring product […]

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Ratings and Reviews Best Practice Guide

This best practice guide looks at the feedback economy, why it is important, and the challenges and opportunities it presents brands. It explains how marketers can capitalise on ratings and reviews, including how to unearth insights from customer feedback, diffuse any emerging crises and measure its effectiveness as a channel.

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The Ecommerce Quarterly

The Ecommerce Quarterly is a series of presentations by Econsultancy, which curates the latest trends, developments, and statistics in ecommerce.

Quick Guides

Quick Guide to Direct-to-Consumer (DTC)

This quick guide looks at the evolution of the direct-to-consumer (DTC) model and the opportunities for both startup and legacy brands. It provides frameworks, strategic considerations and guidance for traditional brands seeking new routes to market.


Five benefits of effective multichannel inventory management

The rise in online demand since the pandemic has put multichannel retailers (and their supply chains) under increased pressure. And research suggests that a large percentage of brands could be struggling to keep on top of it.  A survey by Profitero found that 41% of brand professionals do not have a specialised team or the […]

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