1. No-reply addresses lead to more spam complaints
Some people don’t look for an opt-out link but hit the reply button when they want to unsubscribe from your emailings.
But as soon as they see that replying to you isn’t possible (either because your address starts with no-reply, or that their emails bounce), don’t expect them to search for an opt-out link in your email. The first thing they’ll probably do is click report spam.
2. You’ll be able to get out-of-office replies
I know, I know. Not getting out-of-office replies is the exact reason why you use a no-reply address in the first place, right?
But as dreary as it might be, wading through out-of-office replies will help you find out all sorts of valuable information that you can use to clean up your email list. Which employees no longer work for a company for example.
In the end, removing these addresses helps you increase your open rates and prevent you from stepping in spam traps.
3. People won’t add a no-reply address to their address book
One of the best ways to ensure that your emails are delivered to someone’s inbox, is by having people add your email address to their address book.
But why would someone add an address to their contact list they will never be able to send an email to?
Also, you should encourage people to reply to your emails. With a lot of email providers like Gmail and Yahoo this will automatically land you on the user’s contact or trusted list.
4. You’re legally obliged to
In many countries sending emails with a no-reply address is not allowed. In some European countries for example you have to have a working address people can reply to if they have any kind of question about your email.
And for many countries where such laws exist, they apply to you regardless of the country you send your emails from.
5. A no-reply address makes you look arrogant
Above all, the most important reason not to use a no-reply address is because they make you look arrogant.
Recipients that see something along the lines as ‘Please do not reply to this email’ get the feeling that you don’t care about what they have to say. And rightfully so. You’re basically telling someone that they should listen to what you have to say, and then cover your ears and shout lalalala when they want to engage in the conversation.
And if you really believe that your recipients are not worthy of your time, well frankly, it’s not just a matter of looking arrogant anymore, is it?