Spotify playlist
Music is such a universal love I don’t really need to explain why sharing it is a good engagement tactic. The mechanics of Spotify mean you can make a good playlist and stick around on a customer’s desktop for years.
Today we’ll be mostly listening to @doug_johnstone‘s brilliant playlist for The Dead Beat.
— Faber & Faber (@FaberBooks) April 2, 2014
Other people’s Vines
Vine takes six seconds, but I get that many people aren’t confident enough to tie what can be pretty raw (slapdash) bits of video to their brand.
So use other people’s. Vine is accessible and searchable on desktop now. If you tweet the URL of somebody’s Vine, it’ll still embed nicely in your tweet.
Slide into that tub #surfbort by @GirlsGoneKyle
— Vine (@vineapp) March 29, 2014
The whole of man’s efforts in eloquence is at your disposal. If you insist on writing your own clunky tweets, fine. But using a nice quote or excerpt can do wonders for engagement. Be it Shakespeare, Donna Tartt, Bill Gates, Ted Hughes or Bruce Springsteen.
Oh, and if it’s not pithy enough to fit in a tweet, take a picture of it. OK, it won’t be accessible by all, so perhaps don’t make a habit of picturing text, but it can be a nice work-around if you need to.
Shakespeare quotes aren’t what they used to be or not to be.
— Moose Allain (@MooseAllain) April 3, 2014
Tweeting other people’s blog post is a no-brainer, but few spice them up by going out of their way (fractionally) to screenshot an image and append it to the tweet.
Here’s a good example, below. Chris Lake’s periodic table of content marketing is all about the visual. You should try to do this every time you tweet an article (as long as the publisher is happy for you to share images).
The Periodic Table of content Marketing – a great overview from the guys at Econsultancy
— Gareth Jenkins (@garethjenkinsit) April 3, 2014
This is a new feature. You can post up to ten pictures in a tweet now, enabling a slideshow, a funky matrix of pics in stream, and the ability to tag people, getting them firmly on your radar.
Trying to take a team content portrait, but Nic Cage has muscled in. PS: you can use multiple images in Tweets now.
— Econsultancy (@Econsultancy) April 2, 2014