Getting to Grips with Behavioural Science

The vast majority of human behaviour is not fully conscious. Having an understanding of this, how the brain works, how it processes information and forms judgements can help brands create more compelling experiences and effective content, and drive business performance.

From anchoring to the zero-price effect, this 60-minute example-rich session will examine how behavioural science and behavioural economics can be used across the customer journey.

It will cover:

  • Defining what we mean by behavioural science and how it can be applied within marketing, content and ecommerce to improve results and customer satisfaction.
  • How content, nudges, biases and rewards affect consumer decisions.
  • How these concepts can help create more successful pricing strategies, data collection, retention and more.


Ecommerce Best Practice Bundle

Econsultancy’s Ecommerce bundle consists of four reports that set out a comprehensive blueprint for businesses looking to update their existing ecommerce offering or develop a new proposition. It covers strategy and operations, generating demand, converting demand and measurement.

Customer Retention Best Practice Guide

A best practice guide looking at the strategies marketers should deploy to transform new customers into repeat customers, as well as how to optimise long-term loyalty and advocacy among the highest value customers.

Content Marketing Best Practice Guide

Content plays a vital part in any brand’s marketing strategy, supporting business objectives at every stage of the purchase funnel. This report provides best practice guidance on building an effective content marketing strategy to enable brands to engage audiences in creative ways that promote authenticity and trust.

Golden crested crane

Content Strategy Best Practice Guide

A guide providing marketers with the practical guidance they need in all aspects of content strategy, covering the fundamentals of good content strategy, how to develop detailed personas, the importance of linking content strategy back to business strategy and the future of trends in content strategy.