The content of this briefing is taken from Econsultancy's Customer Journey Mapping Best Practice Guide.

This abridged version will cover:

  1. Pre-workshop: Agree who attends; Find a place; Agree who moderates; Create an agenda; Include personas and hypotheses; mapping software.
  2. During workshop: Successful facilitation; Being the customer; Teamwork; Capturing conversation.
  3. Post-workshop


Customer journey workshops help stakeholders to create a ‘working journey’. Projects usually begin with a current state journey map to identify pain points for prioritising and fixing.

There may be a number of workshops required. It is common that the initial workshop includes many stakeholders, and then the workshop output is taken to different teams, departments and experts to refine and build the maps, with a final workshop to present the final map.

Some customer journey mapping projects are simple enough to complete with one or two rounds of stakeholder and expert interviews, agreed customer personas, development of agreed layers and a creation of a customer journey hypotheses (which can also be referred to as a ‘heuristic map’) for workshopping, reviews and completion.

Other mapping projects may need multiple rounds of stakeholder reviews, workshops and iterations before it is time to book that big room and get the Post-it Notes and pens out.

For the purpose of this briefing, imagine that the team has got to the stage where:

  • Terms of reference for the project are agreed – all teams and individuals are moving collectively and have a shared vision of success and project outcomes
  • The right expert stakeholders have been involved at the information and data gathering stage
  • The map types and layers have been agreed (see Econsultancy's Best Practice Guide)
  • The right data and information has been used
  • The personas have been agreed
  • The team has developed hypothesis maps that need to be fully populated in the workshop
  • The team has broadly agreed to the number of workshops or iterations of the maps that can fit within the project timeline

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