Econsultancy’s Conversion Rate Optimisation Report, published in association with RedEye, shows that after a year of relative stability in this area, companies are now more likely to have multiple people responsible for improving conversion rates.

There has been a 14% increase in the proportion of companies that have more than one person directly responsible for improving conversion rates, from 37% to 42%.

Do you have anyone in your organization who is directly responsible for improving conversion rates?

The proportion of companies that have at least one person in charge of conversions (72%) is the highest since 2011, while the proportion of those not having anyone responsible for improving conversions is equal to the 2011 figure – which is also the lowest level in the history of this report.

Control over conversion rates

But having staff responsible for CRO obviously doesn’t mean companies have absolute control over their conversion rates.

More than a third of respondents (38%) said they felt their company had ‘very little’ or ‘no control’ over conversion rates, although the situation has shown a marked improvement on the previous year.

After declining in 2013’s survey, the proportion of organizations that feel they have quite a lot of control over conversion rates has increased by 17% to 48%.

Furthermore, 14% of companies surveyed feel they have a great deal of control, the highest percentage in the last six years.

How much control do you feel your organization has over conversion rates?

When cross-tabbed with results from a question about reported changes in sales, the data shows that four in five (80%) companies who have quite a lot or a great deal of control over conversion rates had seen an improvement in sales, compared with 35% of companies who have very little or no control.

This should come as no surprise, but it does again underline the importance of having a solid CRO strategy and employees with strong digital skills.

Upskilling staff

If you want to measure your own digital marketing knowledge then take our Digital Skills Index Survey.

It is designed to test and benchmark digital marketing knowledge, so your score will compared against those of your peers so you have an idea of where your strengths and weaknesses lie.

And if you’re looking to assess your team’s digital marketing skills then get in touch with our Digital Transformation team to find out more at