
empty office chair

The empty chair: Why innovation should centre on customer needs

This article is adapted from a section of Econsultancy’s Innovation Best Practice Guide, written by Steffan Aquarone. The guide presents a set of simple, practical ideas, and Aquarone takes the word ‘innovation’ itself to mean ‘finding ways of doing things differently’. The empty chair is a concept synonymous with Amazon’s customer-focus. Despite their importance to the […]

wooden head with questions marks

Innovation: Four flawed assumptions to avoid

This article is adapted from a section of Econsultancy’s Innovation Best Practice Guide, written by Steffan Aquarone. The guide presents a set of simple, practical ideas, and Aquarone takes the word ‘innovation’ itself to mean ‘finding ways of doing things differently’. Flawed assumptions to avoid when innovating – the premise of this article is pretty self-explanatory, […]

China’s internet report shows growth in bite-size video and live commerce

In March, the China Internet Network Information Centre (or CNNIC) released the 53rd Statistical Report on China’s Internet Development Status: a comprehensive twice-yearly snapshot of digital life in China. Covering everything from device usage to China’s rural internet population, livestreaming growth to online ride-hailing, the report delves into the major trends shaping China’s internet landscape […]


14 examples of augmented reality brand experiences

Augmented reality has surged in the headlines of late with the release of Apple’s Vision Pro headset and Meta teasing a potential rollout of AR glasses as it marks the 10-year anniversary of its VR/AR outfit, Meta Reality Labs. If augmented reality headsets and eyewear become more commonplace, brands and entertainment companies may take the […]