Social media can be transformative for brands, providing a channel for gaining a better understanding of the customer, communicating authentically with them, even creating conversions. But what does an organisation need to have in place to ensure the smooth running of a social media strategy? This chapter summarises the key practical considerations, covering:

  • Resourcing: Whether a dedicated in-house team or agency support is right for managing social media depends on the organisation. What key points must be considered when delegating social duties, and what are the most common social media specialist roles and responsibilities?
  • Policies and processes: In order to execute a strategy, clear policies and processes must be established. What kinds of guidance do companies need to provide?
  • Tools: Getting the most out of a social media presence and demonstrating its effectiveness depends on having the right tools for the job. From analytics and reporting to management and commerce, what types of social media tools should organisations consider?