All activity on the internet is governed by search engine rules and legal regulations. While breaking search engine rules can result in great losses to a site’s visibility, the penalties for violating regulations include hefty fines, and even imprisonment. This chapter helps search marketers quickly and easily identify the practices to avoid. It covers:

  • Compliance: SEO practices are referred to as ‘white’, ‘grey’ or ‘black’ hat, depending on the degree to which they adhere to Google’s standards. How can search marketers ensure they stay within Google’s guidelines and avoid inadvertently breaking the rules?
  • Penalties: A sudden loss of traffic can be due to a variety of reasons. How can search marketers determine whether a penalty they receive is a ‘true’, manual penalty handed down by Google, or an algorithmic suppression?
  • Guidelines: Generally speaking, complying with Google’s guidelines will ensure the brand is adhering to Bing’s guidelines as well. What are some top tips for ensuring the business does not fall foul of either platform?