Billions are being spent on digital marketing each year and the availability of digital analytics is better than ever.  Yet with a heavy focus on machine-optimised performance marketing, many new marketers have a limited understanding of consumer psychology and audience motivations.

Some of the largest companies around the world (including Procter & Gamble, Tesco, Samsung and Ford) have begun to test consumer neuroscience as a tool to help them make more informed decisions and provide additional value to their customers.

Econsultancy’s Trends Webinar for June 2019, hosted by Senior Analyst Seán Donnelly, discovers some of the key insights from our Best Practice Guide: Consumer Neuroscience and Digital Marketing.

Agenda Points covered in this session:

  • What is consumer neuroscience?
  • How can consumer neuroscience and consumer psychology benefit digital marketers?
  • How can consumer neuroscience be applied to your digital marketing strategy and implementation
  • Key highlights from our June report: Consumer Neuroscience and Digital Marketing


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