This abridged version of Econsultancy’s Customer Journey Mapping Best Practice Guide defines customer journey mapping, sets out the business case and benefits of it, and outlines what marketers should consider when managing customer journey mapping within a business. It covers:

  • Business goals: How can brands use customer journey mapping to understand and optimise the path to different types of business goals, such as increasing sales or conversions?
  • Key map elements: How can marketers use the key elements of a customer journey map to illustrate the customer’s steps or actions?
  • The business case: What are the six key benefits of customer journey mapping marketers should be highlighting to stakeholders?
  • Creating a map: What are the six crucial stages of developing a customer journey map?
  • Avoiding pitfalls: How can teams avoid customer journey mapping pitfalls, ensuring the process is manageable and helps deliver on business goals?

This quick guide draws from Econsultancy’s Customer Journey Mapping Best Practice Guide.