This abridged version of Econsultancy’s Organisational Structures and Resourcing Best Practice Guide summarises the report’s key findings alongside insights from accompanying research. It looks at the changing dynamics of resourcing and structural decision making in the digital age, and offers practical guidance and models to support marketing leaders in this area. It covers:

  • Changing resourcing contexts: What are the most common challenges currently affecting marketing teams and how are they impacting approaches to resourcing?
  • Digital maturity: What are the four key stages in the progression of digital capability and what do they reveal about the benefits and weaknesses of centralisation?
  • Team capabilities: What does Econsultancy research show about the evolution of approaches to insourcing and outsourcing, and how are modern marketing teams blending areas of specialism with generalist expertise?
  • Attracting talent: What are the key recruitment challenges businesses are facing in the areas perceived to be most important for marketing capability and investment?
  • Agile structures: How can an agile approach to structuring aid departmental collaboration and help businesses compete in rapidly shifting markets?