This short version of Econsultancy’s Fundamentals of Marketing Measurement and Analytics Best Practice Guide looks at the challenges arising from today’s data-driven digital marketing environment, providing a starting point for marketers on how to overcome them with best practice principles. It covers:

  • Measurement challenges. What are the key measurement challenges when it comes to marketing, and how can they be overcome? The case for adopting a data-driven strategy, nurturing flexible skills and mindset, and the importance of data maturity and literacy, as well as data privacy.
  • Strategy. What are the best frameworks for formulating a measurement strategy?
  • Auditing. How can marketers take stock of, understand and audit skillsets, resources and tools, as well as perform analytics health checks and audit marketing tech stacks?
  • Key influences on metrics. What are the key influences on measurement metrics, and what different measurement plans should marketers consider?
  • Looking ahead. How can brands use technology and advanced measurement techniques to look ahead with forecasting, propensity modelling and segmentation/clustering and personalisation?