Retail Media

Econsultancy’s latest articles, reports and webinars on retail media networks.

Econsultancy's Sarah Howson explains retail media.

Take a deep dive into retail media with Econsultancy’s new learning plan, ‘Optimising the Retail Media Opportunity’

Econsultancy has just expanded its Ecommerce Deep Dive learning content with a new learning plan, Optimising the Retail Media Opportunity, which explores how marketers and advertisers can best exploit retail media as part of their overall marketing mix.

Retail Media Best Practice Guide

 ‌ Retail media can help brands reach in-market customers near the point of sale. This guide looks in-depth at the retail media opportunity, with best practice advice on strategy, campaign execution and measurement.

Latest articles

A diagram illustrating the growth of retail media

What is retail media and what is driving its growth?

The retail media market has come a long way since Amazon first launched its network in 2012. Since those early days, a broad range of retailers and other businesses have established their own retail media networks, from Walmart to Kroger, Tesco, Best Buy, Instacart and even Marriott. This has catalysed growth which is set to […]

Webinar: Retail Media

This webinar draws on Econsultancy’s new Retail Media Best Practice Guide, capturing the key opportunities and the optimal strategies that marketers and ecommerce practitioners can make the most of in this emerging area.

The webinar covers:

  • The retail media landscape
  • Retail media strategy
  • Retail media execution
  • The future of retail media

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