Search Marketing

The latest search marketing best practice, case studies, trends, training and more. From search engine optimisation to pay-per-click

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Best Practice Guide Pack Shot

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Best Practice Guide

 ‌ Econsultancy’s new and updated series of SEO Best Practice Guides contains everything marketers need to know about search engine optimisation, whether they work for an in-house client-side team, independently, or for an agency.

PPC Best Practice Guide

‌ Econsultancy’s refreshed and updated series of Paid Search Best Practice guides covers everything you need to know about the complex, though potentially very lucrative, area of paid search advertising.

Articles on Search

graphic showing trends for 2024

Econsultancy’s digital and marketing trends for 2024

We’ve published a list of digital and marketing trends every January at Econsultancy for well over a decade, and have been training marketers for the better part of 20 years. Looking back at some of our annual predictions since 2010, three types of trend stand out: Trends that feel nostalgic, ideas that quickly became amusing […]

Introduction to SEO

SEO Best Practice: Algorithm Updates

This report outlines the key updates to Google’s algorithm that website owners should know about in order to optimise their webpages. It includes the most recent broad core updates as well general algorithmic shifts that aim to deliver a better experience for the user.

SEO Best Practice: Guidelines and Compliance

This guide helps website owners identify what SEO practices to avoid in order to comply with search engine guidelines. It explains the difference between a true penalty and algorithmic suppression and offers tips for avoiding penalties applied by Google and Bing.

Search Marketing Case Studies

SEO: Content Optimisation

SEO Best Practice: International SEO

This report looks at how businesses can successfully launch into new markets by optimising their international web presence, from choosing a domain strategy to language considerations and content localisation.

Link Building

SEO Best Practice: Link Strategy and Tactics

This report covers the practice of link building and its importance to SEO, and guides businesses through the steps to creating an effective link building strategy that encourages organic traffic. It also looks at how businesses can avoid penalties from search engines.

Technical SEO

SEO Best Practice: Technical SEO

This report provides best practice guidance on how to technically optimise a website in terms of its architecture and performance for the search engines. It includes detailed sections on URL management, sitemaps, side speed, HTML code and other specialist technical considerations.

Measuring SEO Performance

PPC Best Practice Guides

Magnifying glass on blue pink yellow background

Paid Search Best Practice Guide

Search engines are often the first port of call in the customer journey. Econsultancy’s Paid Search Best Practice Bundle covers everything businesses need to know about the complex and constantly evolving area of paid search advertising.

Microlearning Courses

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