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About this learning plan

The customer journey map is how we make sense of the customer’s current experience and visualise the experience of the future. By analysing each step in their journey, we can identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.

This learning plan provide a detailed, step by step instruction in how to prepare for and deliver customer journey mapping projects for the existing and future-state experience, as well as how to put them into action.

Course 1: Introduction to Mapping the Customer Journey

Course 2: Preparing for Customer Journey Mapping

By the end of the course you will be able to:

  • Describe the role of segmentation modelling and personas in enabling a business to be focused on their customers needs.
  • Consider how you might segment your current customer database Explain the role of personas.
  • Create a persona template and understand how to build the persona.

Course 3: Building a Current State Customer Journey Map

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Map out your customer’s current journey and pain points.
  • Define the scope of the mapping initiative.
  • Formulate a hypothesis of the current-state of the journey.
  • Collect data to validate (or challenge) the hypothesis journey map.
  • Lead a journey mapping workshop.

Course 4: Connecting Data Analytics to Customer Experience

Course 5: Building a Future State Customer Journey Map

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Articulate the purpose and process for creating a future-state map.
  • Build a future-state map.
  • Host a future state workshop.

Course 6: Using Customer Journey Maps

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Evaluate the experience with specific metrics.
  • Use gap analysis to compare Current and Future State maps.
  • Identify ‘moments of truth’ in the Customer Journey.
  • Determine the appropriate metrics for measurement and apply the best practices.

For more information on bespoke learning plans or to view the full course catalogue, get in touch.

Members can explore courses in the Econsultancy Skills Cloud.