
Bing is an untapped venue for ecommerce videos

Bing, the search engine created by Microsoft, is gaining traffic, although it’s no Google yet. However, not many e-commerce companies are placing their product videos on this newer search engine.

Now that Bing is powering searches on Facebook’s Graph Search, it’s a good time to get your videos indexed in Bing. Here’s how to do it.

Northern lights on search and social: Bing, Google, Twitter and Dell at #RIMC13

For Game of Thrones fans Iceland provided the beautiful background for one of the most unique conference experiences ever. 

Today, many of the leading experts on search and social gather to share content and insight at the Reykjavik Internet Marketing Conference (RIMC).

Thought leaders and industry experts from across the Globe talk us through “Seven search Kingdoms” that help make up the online marketing space in 2013: Search, SEO, Social, Content, Mobile, Local and Video. 

The conference organized by Kristjan Mar Hauksson and Nordic Emarketing is a two-day boot camp with great speakers and fantastic content focusing on search and social. 

Brands from across the globe gather to share insight and the epic list includes speakers from Bing, Google, Dell, Twitter, AOL, Spotify, SAP and iCrossing. 

Econsultancy’s very own Ashley Friedlein has spoken in the past at RIMC as it now marks its 10th anniversary!

I asked the experts on their top tips for managing search and social in 2013….