

30 brands with excellent social media strategies

From brand storytelling to new commerce opportunities, social platforms offer brands an unmissable opportunity to reach and engage consumers today (social media users passed the 3.5 billion mark in July 2019, as reported by WeAreSocial). Strategy is not always easy to get right, especially when it comes to the tricky issue of attribution. With that […]

Three keys to Coca-Cola’s success on social media

In 2019, the general state of play of social media for FMCG brands has transformed from its product-focused beginnings to a more content-driven approach.  As social media has evolved and matured, consumers’ thirst and expectation for original, authentic content have increased exponentially… and the world’s biggest brands are not excused.   Coca-Cola is one such brand that has […]

10 inspiring digital marketing campaigns from Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola has achieved notable successes in digital marketing, not least its massive following on social media and various polar bear campaigns. Let’s delve into 10 of its most interesting digital initiatives, some of which involve massive global campaigns while others are unique local examples. And remember, Econsultancy offers excellent digital marketing training and a wealth […]

How Coca-Cola uses design to create a memorable customer experience

Brad Rencher, Executive Vice President at Adobe, kicked off the first day of this year’s Adobe Summit London with a speech on why ‘experiences’ are at the heart of the most successful brands.

Coca Cola is arguably one of the biggest experience-based brands of all time, with both its past and future shaped by how it is able to communicate the idea that there is no better one than drinking an ice cold Coke.

What marketers need to know about eSports

Professional sport is a multi-billion-dollar business and in the past several decades, brands have become an inseparable part of the market.

Numerous brands, from Nike to Red Bull, can even attribute much of their success to aligning themselves with the right sports, leagues, teams and athletes.

Euro 2016 digital campaigns: So far, so uninspiring

Another tiring maelstrom of tournament advertising is upon us.

Sport transfixes in a way that pretty much no other (broadcastable) activity does, and therefore brands know that Euro 2016 offers value for money.

TV, footballers and creative that travels/translates well is the advertising order of the day, with honourable mention for the role of Twitter and Facebook.

Palantir’s woes bring Big Data challenges into focus

Big data analytics company Palantir reportedly helped the US Government determine the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden.

But despite this claim to fame, the business apparently isn’t finding it easy to convince its customers that its services are a worthwhile investment.

Does Coca-Cola show we’re confused about how to drive loyalty?

Pinging from tweet to tweet in my usual magpie-like ‘ooh that looks interesting’ sort of way has brought me to Coca-Cola’s Twitter page, and as all good Twitter pages should, it’s got me thinking.

A snapshot of what’s going on right now includes chatter about the Emmys, a straight ‘buy a promotional pack, enter the code to win’ type message, and lots of shout outs for Coke Studio South Africa.

You don’t have to be a marketing genius to work out what Coke’s up to in its usual highly effective way. But it did prompt a few questions…

15+ APAC digital marketing stats from August 2015

Another month has been ticked off the calendar so it’s time again for our monthly stats roundup from Asia-Pacific.

This time around it includes Facebook usage, e-retail in China, mobile marketing, real-time marketing and programmatic video.

12 best branded Instagram videos from May 2015

Welcome to our monthly round-up of the best branded Instagram videos from the last four weeks.

May features a variety of video making techniques, from never-ending loops to time-lapse to slow-motion, replete with all the stunning insight you’ve come to expect from this beloved round-up.

50+ key takeaways and soundbites from the Festival of Marketing

Last week, thousands of marketers attended our Festival of Marketing at the Tobacco Dock in London.

It was a two-day celebration of the modern marketing industry, featuring speakers from brands including LEGO, Marks and Spencer, Coca-Cola, Buzzfeed, KLM and many more industry experts sparking discussions in a unique mix of Q&As, debates, case studies and workshops.

Although it would be impossible to condense one session into a single quote, or even cover every single session in each strand (there were 10 stages featuring approximately 120 sessions plus five keynote speeches), here’s a quick round-up some of the key takeaways from our event.