
2016: The good, the bad and the future of digital marketing

It’s not quite over yet, but 2016 has been busy. As I predicted last year, mobile has been a definite focus for almost every marketer and we’re slowly starting to see VR and wearable technology take off.

I’ve found it interesting to see how businesses have started to scope out new and creative ways to incorporate all of these technologies and opportunities into their marketing strategies. 


Who will win the live-streaming battle: Facebook Live or Periscope?

In the age of ephemeral content and channel proliferation, it’s no wonder some marketers feel like they are forever playing a game of catch-up.

Shiny new technologies regularly appear, hit critical mass, and inevitably get surpassed by better tools.

Take the recent rise of live-streaming for example – it is a popular medium transformed into an entirely new format.

10 examples of great IKEA marketing creative

As a married man only a month resident in my first owned home, IKEA is a big part of my life. The brand is frequently cited as a master of branding, marketing and advertising. So, here are 10 examples of fantastic marketing creative from IKEA. 1. Free cot ad (for babies conceived on Valentine’s Day) […]