

What brand marketers and agencies need from each other

Long before WPP’s current woes, it has felt like the relationship between brands and agencies is in a state of terminal decline.

Brands have been complaining that agencies are not delivering on their promises and agencies are always saying that brands lack the strategic thinking to provide useful direction.

What Facebook and Instagram’s big API changes could mean for brands

In response to the ongoing scandal over its data collection, usage and sharing policies, Facebook has announced a slew of its changes to the Facebook and Instagram APIs. These APIs, or application programming interfaces, allow third parties to build applications that interact with Facebook and Instagram. 

The changes have the potential to affect a number of players that participate in the Facebook and Instagram ecosystems, including brands.

Marketing in 2018: Too tactical and not strategic enough?

Much is written about marketing ‘strategies’ and ‘tactics’, and these two terms are often used interchangeably.

Doing so is not usually a problem (we all know, for example, what search marketing is whether it’s called a strategy or a tactic), but it is useful to distinguish strategies and tactics when trying to identify marketing trends.

How online content could help H&M weather stormy high street conditions

H&M has been regarded as a fast fashion leader for some time, with its agile supply chain enabling it to offer the latest trends at affordable prices – a winning combination for consumers.

But difficult trading conditions – including reduced consumer confidence and spending on the high street, and a ratcheting up of competition from fast-paced digital-first competitors like ASOS, which saw international sales up 31% in the six months to February 28th 2018 – have led to H&M reporting its biggest profit dip (20%) in six years.

A brief history of artificial intelligence in advertising

Somewhere in a sleepy North London suburb, a shopkeeper ritualistically opened his daily newspaper.

Eyeing the weather report, he moved a bin of black umbrellas to the front of the store, just inside the door where they could easily be seen by customers needing a quick respite from the approaching rain. The year is 1861 and a weather forecast, first published in London’s daily newspaper The Times, had likely influenced the purchase of an umbrella or two.