
How did retailers handle the Cyber Monday sales?

It seems that, as well as falling for Black Friday, the UK’s ecommerce sites staged some big Cyber Monday promotions. 

Most sites have sales on today, so how are they dealing with sales? Are they providing a good user experience? 

Black Friday takes out some major ecommerce sites

This year, thanks to the greater promotion from retailers, Black Friday seems to have taken hold in earnest in the UK. 

The scenes from 24 hour Tesco and Sainsbury’s stores suggest that retailers didn’t realise Black Friday was going to be so popular, and the websites of some big names have also struggled to cope. 

What is ASOS doing so right on Pinterest?

It used to be that a week wouldn’t pass without one of us writing a Pinterest-related post.

In the last few months though we’ve barely covered the ‘visual discovery platform’. It’s not because interest has waned, in fact Pinterest currently has 70m users and the platform drives an unprecedented amount of traffic to retail sites.

It’s just because the best practice guidelines for brands to succeed on Pinterest haven’t really changed.

All the stats you need for Black Friday 2014

It’s nearly Black Friday, and you know what that means… it’s time to start queuing outside Asda at 3am to get a bit of money off a pair of headphones.

Or not, depending on whether you think UK shoppers should really care about a sales event that coincides with an American public holiday that means nothing on these shores.

Either way you can’t deny that interest in Black Friday is slowly growing in the UK, mainly because retailers are keen to come up with a new reason for us to go and buy a load of electrical goods.

Tesco vs. Sainsbury’s: which provides the best social customer care?

Yesterday it was announced that Sainsbury’s is the most socially influential retail brand on Twitter based on its Klout score.

If you’re not aware of what a Klout score is, it’s an online social popularity measurement that leaves the more egotistically fragile of us weeping alone in a stationery cupboard. It also has its detractors

To contradict Sainsbury’s achievement, over the past six months, supermarket rival Tesco has fought its way to the top of Leaderboarded’s UK Twitter Social Customer Care table, overtaking previous top-spot holders Virgin Media and… yes… Sainsbury’s. 

UK searches for Black Friday are up: Are retailers prepared?

Black Friday is nearly upon us, and interest in the annual shopping splurge appears to be taking hold in the UK… sort of.

In the US it makes sense as Black Friday always coincides with the day after Thanksgiving, but on these shores it all feels a bit forced.

Why should we care about a shopping event that coincides with a public holiday that means nothing in the UK?

How Northern & Shell harnessed user data to build a single customer view

Northern & Shell is one of the UK’s biggest publishers, owning titles including the Daily Express, Daily Star, OK!, New! and Star.

Until May this year it also operated three TV stations: Channel 5, 5* and 5USA.

So at a time when publishers are struggling to adapt to the new digital world, it’s worth taking note of the way in which N&S is attempting to monetise the massive amount of user data it collects.

Battle of the Christmas retailers: Who’s going the extra mile beyond the TV ad?

In the run up to Christmas, which British retailers are going the extra mile to fuel their sales? 

Christmas campaigns have become as much of a staple as turkey and brussel sprouts – get it right or face the wrath of the people.

Although we would rather have a face full of mince pies washed down with mulled wine, it’s British retailers’ Christmas campaigns that are right in our face this November.

Christmas toys: from PPC results to landing pages

Although this may just seem like a topical festive themed post, the lessons here are applicable all year round.

I just thought why not use 2014’s biggest toys as a control group, then I can do some sneaky Christmas shopping at the same time.

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