
12 excellent ways to present ecommerce shipping information

The number one cause of cart abandonment is hidden delivery costs at the checkout.

A study conducted in 2013 by eDigitalResearch and IMRG, found that 77% of online shoppers have abandoned their basket in the past year, with 53% citing unacceptably high delivery costs as the main reason for bailing.

How to approach SEO research and planning

SEO is one of those marketing disciplines that requires foresight, plenty of planning, a methodical approach and maybe just a bit of marketing intuition.

I’ve plundered the excellent Econsultancy SEO Best Practice Guide for some tips on how to approach SEO planning and research.

Check out the big guide for more than 400 pages of detailed and actionable insight.

Here we go..

Five questions about Foursquare and its new Swarm app

If you didn’t know, Foursquare is breaking up, but in a constructive way.

It’s not you, it’s them, but don’t worry, the whole thing is amicable. The company is splitting its app in two for the better, sort of like those couples that sleep in separate beds, only converging for sex, and so getting more sleep and clarity in the process.

This follows somewhat of a trend for unbundling or simply creating discrete products or tools, much as apps were first envisaged.

The trend can be seen chiefly at Facebook, with its Messenger and Paper, and perhaps Twitter’s Vine. Obviously, Google is the epitome of a multipronged company, with a list of products shorter only than those discarded.

Foursquare has become Swarm and Foursquare. Swarm is a tool for social heatmapping, where all checking-in and socialising will occur, and was launched at the beginning on May 2014. Foursquare will be relaunched as what the company quietly refers to as a ‘Yelp killer’, a tool for local search and discovery.

Here are a few questions I have asked and in some cases attempted to answer.

What is local SEO and why do you need it?

Local SEO is becoming one of the essential components to every business and brand that wants long-term success across search engines.

This comes from our latest Search Engine Optimisation Best Practice Guide, an in-depth report that’s invaluable for anybody working in digital marketing, looking to appoint an SEO agency, or simply trying to secure better search engine rankings.

Recently I covered some of the basic skills that all SEO beginners need to know however I didn’t include information on ‘local SEO’.

Here I’ll be rectifying that with a brief guide to what local SEO means and how you can use it to drive online searchers to your offline business.

A guide to the new power of Facebook advertising

A friend of mine with a new app-fronted business was recently waxing lyrical about Facebook advertising.

He told me it was great value for money when targeting users with a call-to-action to download his app, especially when users are in a specific location on their mobiles.

I’ve also heard lots of people talking about the power of targeting audiences on Facebook, either from a standing start or by uploading your own data and spreading out from there.

Due to the fact that it’s still difficult to track users across different devices, Facebook’s advertising is gaining prominence. The network is accessed on mobile by the overwhelming majority of its subscribers.

In this post I thought I’d give a brief overview of ad formats and targeting, as well as some insight into where the platform is going and how to succeed.

Why are Asian banks letting the HR department run their LinkedIn page?

As a marketer I shudder when I see a valuable communications channel like a LinkedIn company page being misused by non-marketing people such as human resources (HR).

What a missed opportunity to engage, inspire and market your company.

Would you let your HR team create your corporate website? Of course not.

So why are they allowed to be anywhere near your LinkedIn company page where they can do untold amounts of damage to your brand by not engaging and communicating?

World Cup 2014: what should we expect from brands?

The World Cup, along with the Olympics, comes by once every four years and is therefore a good assay of changing media habits and technology.

Twitter users have doubled since the last World Cup in 2010. Live TV streaming is available from all the main broadcasters and the user experience of laptop and tablet TV-streaming continues to improve.

Mobile has been the main driver of social media consumption and increasing demand for real-time content. Additionally, user generated content is easier than ever to gather, as new devices and new users become more adept and involved online.

So, what should marketers expect to come out of Brazil and World Cup 2014? In this post I’m going to take a look at some of the brands involved so far and their efforts, as well as looking at lessons that can be drawn from the London Olympics in 2012.

Senior level employees have greater digital knowledge: stats

So, you think your manager is an idiot? Looks like you’re wrong, as senior level employees have better digital knowledge than their juniors.

That’s according to preliminary averaged results from the Econsultancy Digital Skills Index, designed to test digital knowledge across marketing.

It seems that senior level digital employees can put their money where their mouths are as they scored higher than mid-level respondents, who in turn scored higher than junior respondents.

The average scores for each level of seniority were 67% for juniors, 72% for mid-levels and 74% for senior respondents.

The assessment will remain live and continue to hoover up data, so take the test if you’d like to benchmark your skills against those of your peers.

In this post I’ll reveal a few findings from the assessments so far and discuss them in light of the skills of the modern marketer (incidentally, the title of a new Econsultancy report in our Digital Transformation series).